Once Endangered, Now Thriving! 12 Little Known Facts About Pandas

Photo by Stone Wang on Unsplash

Pandas are some of the most beloved creatures on Earth, known for their chubby cheeks, playful antics, and bamboo obsession. But there’s more to these adorable bears than meets the eye! Here are 12 fascinating facts about pandas that will surprise you:

1. Pandas Are Not Actually Herbivores

Despite their love for bamboo, pandas have the digestive system of a carnivore! Their ancestors were meat-eaters, but pandas evolved to rely almost entirely on bamboo. However, in the wild, they occasionally snack on small animals and carrion.

2. They Spend 12-16 Hours a Day Eating

Since bamboo isn’t very nutritious, pandas have to eat 26-84 pounds (12-38 kg) of it daily to stay full. That’s why they spend more than half their day munching!

3. Baby Pandas Are Tiny—Really Tiny!

Newborn pandas weigh only 3-5 ounces (85-140 grams), roughly the size of a stick of butter! They are born pink, blind, and helpless, relying entirely on their mother for survival.

4. Pandas Have a ‘Thumb’ for Holding Bamboo

Pandas have an extra enlarged wrist bone that acts as a thumb, helping them grip bamboo stalks like a pro.

5. They’re Surprisingly Good at Climbing

Despite their bulky appearance, pandas can climb trees as young as 5 months old and sometimes even nap high up in the branches.

6. They Do Handstands While Peeing

Yes, you read that right! Male pandas sometimes perform a handstand against a tree while urinating to mark their territory at the highest possible spot.

7. They Are Solitary Creatures

Unlike many other bears, pandas prefer to live alone. They only seek out company during the mating season, after which they return to their independent lifestyle.

8. A Panda’s Fur Is More Than Just Cute—It’s Camouflage

Their black-and-white fur helps them blend into snowy mountains and dark forests, making it easier to hide from predators.

9. They Have the Strongest Bite of Any Carnivore

Pandas may look cuddly, but their bite force is stronger than a lion’s—thanks to powerful jaw muscles that help them crush tough bamboo stalks.

10. Wild Pandas Only Live in China

Giant pandas are endemic to China, specifically in the mountainous regions of Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces.

11. They Were Once Considered Endangered

Thanks to conservation efforts, pandas were moved from “Endangered” to “Vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List in 2016. But their habitat loss still poses a major threat.

12. Pandas ‘Fake’ Pregnancy for Special Treatment

Some pandas in captivity have been known to fake pregnancy symptoms because they get extra food and care!